Liebe Heads, Liebe Supporter/innen
Wir wollen euch gerne mitteilen das wir mehr als Dankbar für den ganzen Support durch euch auf allen Kanälen sind. Es macht uns wirklich stolz mitzuverfolgen welchen Anklang das Versuniversum-Album bei euch findet. Wir verbeugen uns vor eurer Power die Ihr uns zusprecht.
Mit dankbarem Gruß
Euer Erdenmann
Terra Pete & Team Krekpek
Dear Heads, Dear Supporters,
we would like to tell you that we are more than grateful for all the support you have given us on all channels. It makes us really proud to see how you like the Versuniversum album. We bow to the power you give us.
With grateful greetings
Your earthman
Terra Pete & Team Krekpek
Terra Pete – Versuniversum is Compiled & Executive Produced by Krekpek Records, Berlin 2021
Track 1-12 Recordings, Arrangements by Hiner.K
Arrangements, Production, Co-Production and Mastering by Figub Brazlevic
Track1 Cuts & Scratches by DJ Craft, Track9 Cuts & Scratches by Figub Brazlevic
Track 8 Bass by Duuq
Art direction by Krekpek
Artwork by Weeh78
Regards to all supporters of this project. This Release shows the essence of what Krekpek stands for and that music knows no borders. We like to say thank you to all producers, friends and our family. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance, sharing and broadcasting is prohibited. / KREKPEK007